Anchorage Inn i Saint John's

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Anchorage Road, St. John's, Antigua, St John's, Antigua y Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-4065
Latitude: 17.144555, Longitude: -61.847056
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Kommentar 5

  • Antonio Romero Perez

    Antonio Romero Perez


    Perfect to stay nearby city and beachs. Staff are always ready to help or find a solution

  • Jamie Khan

    Jamie Khan


    Wonderful place to stay.. staff were kind and friendly. Def. Got the taste of Caribbean life. 😎. The food was great rooms were clean. Stayed on ground floor back sliding door led directly to pool. Definitely recommended.

  • timothy taylor

    timothy taylor


    Excellent staff very helpful with everything, Delicious food, and very quaint private place..

  • Seth Roberts

    Seth Roberts


    Stayed here for one night. It's fine. Not amazing, but clean, hot water and easy access to the grocery store and the downtown St John's area. Helpful to have a rental car when staying here.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    Situated on the Anchorage Road (That's possibly where the name comes from) is the Anchorage Inn. This hotel or Inn if you will is within close proximity to the nearby beaches. This establishment caters to a varied clientele without being overly formal or casual at the same time. The Caribbean Themed and named rooms are quite comfortable and well appointed. The facility is much larger than it may appear in passing and has quite an attractive grounds. The restaurant area with the swimming pool has hosted many a pool party with great food and service. Dining here was a great experience for us and all had an enjoyable time. The people friendly and courteous staff makes for a more fulfilling culinary experience. Events and private dining are both accommodated at the restaurant and bar. Because the Restaurant is situated towards the rear of the property and total atmosphere of the place one feels as if in a oasis of gastronomic delight. The frond desk and lounge were comfortable and relaxing with indoor plants and flowers. Everyone on staff seamed to want you to have a good time while at the hotel. The buildings and grounds are well kept and maintained providing for an even more pleasant experience. Short term and longer staying guests are both accommodated and catered for (No pun intended).

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