Big Banana i Saint John's

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Redcliffe Street, Saint John's, AG Antigua und Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-480-6985
Latitude: 17.1202212, Longitude: -61.8452788
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Kommentar 5

  • Tiffany G

    Tiffany G


    It's a nice atmosphere. The pizza is just ok, the service is just ok, and the prices are a bit high. The workers here don't seem happy.

  • Anthon Went

    Anthon Went


    Great pizza spot... Pineapples go on pizzas lol

  • Kamisha Charles

    Kamisha Charles


    Love this Restaurant. Food is always great and delicious ☺

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Big Banana, Pizzas on the Quay Restaurant is located in the historic Heritage Quay in St. John's Antigua specializing in Pizzas and other Gastronomic delights such as buffalo wings and sub-sandwiches. Pizza is what they are most famous for. I have attended many pizza parties and birthday parties at that location and have enjoyed casual and formal dining there as well, let me take this opportunity to say "Compliments to the Chief". Something can be said for the rustic charm and ambiance of the location and also the intimate and cozy (read cramped) nature of the establishment which makes it special. I must note here that they moved just up the street to a more modern and spacious location for a period of time but subsequently moved back to their original location. The customer service is exceptional and I must say quite scary at times, I remember being there enjoying a pizza meal and just thinking that I could use another one of their excellent beverage and just at that very instant a staff member asked me if I wanted another of the same, scary. I know, I know, my glass may have been empty but it has been empty before....i often say that what they may lack in other areas (not perfect, mind you)is more than compensated for in great customer service.

  • Kimoll Peters

    Kimoll Peters


    The staff is friendly... The bartender definitely gets the job done right. The price is reasonable and the food is really good

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