Cafe Bella i Saint John's

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St John's, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-3552
Latitude: 17.1316348, Longitude: -61.8358236
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Kommentar 5

  • Sonja Haynes

    Sonja Haynes


    Love this place, great iced coffee, great tuna sandwich, a great pit stop for anytime of day with free wifi

  • Jacinta Westcott

    Jacinta Westcott


    Great place for a lovely lunch! The staff are so friendly and helpful! I recommend this place!

  • Muhammad Khan

    Muhammad Khan


    I had the worst experience of my life at this Cafe. I am a student of the American University of Antigua and have given this place 4 tries. All 4 times I have received horrible service from this place. However being that I like to give everyone a fair shot I went again recently. When I got there, I was met with the same poor service that I am used to getting from this place. This time, I saw the owner and I very politely went up to her and wanted to inform her of the poor service that I have been receiving. I thought as a buisness owner she would want to know that her employee has been rude on four different occasions. However, to my surprise the owner was so much worse than the cashier. Immediately the owner shot me down and in her exact words said that "I have run a successful business for over 10 years and don't need you telling me what to do". When she was rudely going off on me, I walked away to my friends and told them that I did not want to eat from there and as I was explaining why the owner walked behind me and said "Oh grow up". Never have I seen customer service like this. I ended up leaving the resturant and told her I would share the review with everyone at my school to which she responded and said "Oh go ahead, I could care less". Highly unprofessional and I do not recommend this place to anyone. I've only ever written two bad reviews of places in my life because I am a huge believer in supporting local business. However, this place does not deserve support. Even after I wrote a review on facebook, the owner responded and instead of apologizing for her unprofessional behavior further tried to defend her poor service as to why she was right and even made up lies.This alone should tell you what type of business this is.

  • Bor l

    Bor l


    Nice, clean and good place to spend time, prices are reasonable and service is quick

  • Luis



    Lovely cafe. Good service . Gracious owner .Nice place to relax and chat. Best pancakes I ever had. I definitely will come back.

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