Kentucky Fried Chicken i Saint John's

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Fort Road, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-481-1535
Latitude: 17.1321467, Longitude: -61.8441207
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Kommentar 5

  • Gavin Tonge

    Gavin Tonge


    Chicken taste incredible but they can keep up the consistency with the moistness

  • Shawn OG

    Shawn OG


    Probably the best tasting KFC ive had anywhere, long line today though

  • Tiffany G

    Tiffany G


    Don't go when you're hungry. They often run out of chicken and the workers are rarely friendly.

  • Stephen Karam

    Stephen Karam


    Never opens on time. Always runs out of what you want, when you want it. Staff depending on shift can have bad attitide as in, 'You think I'm here to serve you?!' At other times, the service can be unexpectedly excellent and surprisingly pleasing. They have a problem with being consistent in customer service. This also applies to the Colonels Chicken too.

  • Bro gamer

    Bro gamer


    The food doesn't taste good anymore and it takes to long.

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