Millers By The Sea i Saint John's

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St John's, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 404-438-9533
Latitude: 17.1357923, Longitude: -61.8592179
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Kommentar 5

  • Robin Brown

    Robin Brown


    Warer was calm and lovely

  • John Demianiuk

    John Demianiuk


    Super nice host, good food, nice beach.

  • Fly Onwall

    Fly Onwall


    This bar and restaurant is a chill place to grab a uncomplicated lunch or drink on the beach. The prices are very reasonable and it's on the outskirts of town. It sits right on the beach front of fort James with a view of long stretch of white dazzling sand and blue waters.

  • Sabine Weber

    Sabine Weber


    Great place to relax. One of the best bartenders on the island. Food is tasty but a bit expensive. You've a pool and beach access. Lounge chairs are provided. Give it a try! I definitely recommend this place.

  • Chris Stanley

    Chris Stanley


    I can't be objective as I have no other beaches on Antigua to compare to. We had a great day as the weather was super. The beach was clean and non-public attendants offer umbrellas for $10. The restrooms were stocked. We were only at the beach for 90 minutes but had a pleasant time.

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