Redcliffe Quay i Saint John's

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Redcliffe Street, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-562-5610
Latitude: 17.1199969, Longitude: -61.8454922
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Kommentar 5

  • Stacy West

    Stacy West


    Redcliffe Quay is Antigua's premier shopping centre, located on the water front in St. John's Antigua....a travelers delight where you can get all you need in souvenirs, batik wrap and so much more.... make sure whenever your in Antigua and Barbuda stop by Redcliffe Quay.

  • Blair Rose

    Blair Rose


    Great place for lunch with friends and leisure shopping. Has a small supermarket few clothing stores . Glasses and contacts store some of the best restaurants and ice cream parlour.

  • erik kuiper

    erik kuiper


    I could be busy for hours listing and uploading all these beautiful locations at the dock side of St. John's But the spot has my attention for a spending of my time. Just have a look at the picture. that could tell a thousand words. do you agree. Enjoy Antigua, and be at the right spot.

  • Alien Perez Santos

    Alien Perez Santos


    Is one of the most popular areas of Antigua. Locate in Saint John's city, close to the harbour, one of the cruise ship dock is on Redcliffe Quay, the other dock in Heritage Quay. Just a few meters separate both places. You can enjoy some restaurant and cafeteria located in this area like C&C and Big Banana. Some shop also. This place between November and May is too crowdy, tourists and local citizens are the regular transient.

  • Duffy The Travel Maker

    Duffy The Travel Maker


    I love this place. Lots of choices for eating. I always choose Cuties re restaurant. The food is just damn finger licking, makes your mouth water for more. Cocktails are made with love I say because they don't lack anything. The foods are really reasonable prices. Honestly I think it should be even more expensive when you see the presentation plus your taste buds will be screaming with pleasure. There is no A.c because it's not hot. The lovely Caribbean breeze will cool you down🌟🌛🌜😚

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