Robinson's Service Station i Saint John's

Åben kort
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All Saints Road, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-0484
Latitude: 17.1127793, Longitude: -61.8398691
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Kommentar 5

  • Connie Harrigan

    Connie Harrigan


    Very reliable service station. Owner very helpful

  • leslie scotland

    leslie scotland


    Excellent service and quality petrol and great vehicular petroleum products.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    One of the most comprehensive service stations in Antigua. The Robinson's Service is located on the Independence Avenue and the All Saints Roads adjacent to the Desuza Road as well. Centrally located at the city limits near to a major intersection and preforming several vehicular functions makes this an ideal choice in Service Stations. Apart from the usual services such as selling gasoline and diesel fuel etc there is a auto accessory and parts shop as well. Products ranging from sparks plugs and other vehicular servicing essentials to tires are on sale here. The ancillary tire repair shop and the car wash with lube services on the same premises has been a lifesaver to many vehicle owners. The customer service is quite good and efficient so the customer is served promptly and expediently. All in all this service station is a well maintained, clean and a pleasant place to have your vehicular necessities sorted out.

  • Alien Perez Santos

    Alien Perez Santos


    They work 24 hour and are fast at service

  • Conrad St. Romain

    Conrad St. Romain


    Set in a prime location the service station and its polite staff offer pumped gas and diesel fuel, air, and the choice to go inside and pick up something (like oil, filters, tires or even a battery) from the mini auto mart. I normally use cash for my purchases (quicker) but I know you can use check or credit/debit card as well (transactions done inside). The convenience of a service area is great for those in need of help. All in all Robinson's service station provides what I need to Get Going.

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