Siboney Beach Club i Saint John's

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Dickenson Bay, St John's, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 800-533-0234
Latitude: 17.1557972, Longitude: -61.8511448
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Kommentar 5

  • Frank Weytjens

    Frank Weytjens


    On Sunday everything is closed in St John's. So I was happy to find this place. Had an excellent meal with a great view.

  • Hans Jung

    Hans Jung


    Siboney Beach Club perfect to relax. Staff is very friendly and helpful. The rooms are with light and very practical furnishings. Beach large and clean. The 2 other hotels at the same spot do not disturb

  • Mark Hinkel

    Mark Hinkel


    This is the the first time that I have experienced a small "Beach Club" in the tropics, and it was great fun. Meeting families and couples from all over the world provided a lot of entertainment and laughs. The Siboney staff was responsive to any of our requests, and really wanted to be sure that we were comfortable. The adjoining beach bar was in such a beautiful spot that sitting under the roof, looking at the sea was perfectly relaxing.

  • Mic Cassano

    Mic Cassano


    Lovely beach club, right on a lively and picturesque stretch of beach. The rooms are modest but pleasing, and a good antidote to the artificial luxuries of nearby all-inclusive destinations. The staff are lovely and the reception has a handy mini-mart for essentials like bottled water, beer and sunscreen. The Coconut Grove restaurant is a highlight at any time of day, with a good mix of locals and visitors. Shame that the beach and restaurant are often packed with cruise tours.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Siboney Beach Club on the Dickenson Bay Beach, is a picturesque hotel with great scenic views of the surrounding area and the Fantastic seascape. The hotel is next to the Antigua Village Hotel, Buccaneer Beach Club and the Mckinnons Salt Pond/Lagoon (scenic and good for bird watching) and Shares the Dickenson Bay Beach with several other establishments such as Grand Sandals Beach Resort and Spa, The Lobster Pot Restaurant is also onsite. The Iconic British Telephone Booth demarcating the property and the interestingly shaped pool with the flower gardens and park-like grounds makes for an interesting and serene oasis. The rooms are well kept and are standard as far as hotel rooms go, with some measure of self service involved. The hotel staff members are quite friendly, efficient and helpful making me feel at home, well, a little better than at home:) The Siboney Beach Club is more of an experience than your typical hotel, providing a whole range of services and amenities in a unique and pleasant environment.

Nærmeste Naturlige træk:

Dickenson Bay

Antigua and Barbuda
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McKinnons Salt Pond

Antigua and Barbuda
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Pelican Rocks

Antigua and Barbuda
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McKinnon's Pond

Antigua and Barbuda
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