Spencer's Service Station i Saint John's

Åben kort
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Factory Road, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-2154
Latitude: 17.1183894, Longitude: -61.8306375
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Kommentar 5

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    Spencer's Service Station is located on The Sir Sydney Walling Highway in the vicinity of the St. Johnson's Church of the Nazarene and the junction of The Queen Elizabeth Highway and The Sir Sydney Walling Highway.. This is principally a Petrol Station and a Services Center. Situated just on the outskirts of the City away from the hustle and bustle, this Service station has been in business for a number of years and has recently been renovated and modernized. The Spencer's Service Station apart from being a petrol station with a Micro Mart (smaller than a mini mart). offers many other Automotive and other services. Consisting of a tyre repair shop, a Car Wash, a Muffler Repair workshop and many other amenities such as the sale of LPG Cooking gas and free air for your vehicle tyres. The great customer service and the convenient location makes this a popular stop for many motorist and for me it has been a lifesaver on many occasions. Spencer's Service Station is a great place to do business and a viable option for motorist and other alike.

  • Shanna M. Tang

    Shanna M. Tang



  • Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson


    The ideal quick stop gas station if you need gas while in St John's and plan to go east or return to St John's.

  • Annelyes Charles

    Annelyes Charles


    The girls are friendly

  • Dé-Vonté Hunte

    Dé-Vonté Hunte


    Ideal location

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