Antigua Recreation Ground i Saint John's

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Factory Road, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1-268
Latitude: 17.1223641, Longitude: -61.8389102
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Kommentar 5

  • Mansa mo'A

    Mansa mo'A


    The national stadium is really nice place but Arg needs some rehab

  • Keshawn Whyte

    Keshawn Whyte


    It's a very wonderful place to go and watch sports,and it's a place you can go and enjoy yourself in the carnival season with a culture that you've never experienced, it's underconstruction at the present moment but it's a place to visit when ever you come for a visit

  • Alien Perez Santos

    Alien Perez Santos


    Old stadium that have the potential to host more sports. Only football, or cricket.. But they can introduce more sport like baseball or softball. Antigua have a big community of Spanish people who are willing to develop this sports in the island

  • Sean Lil-iko

    Sean Lil-iko


    With an good angle of view and an entertainment to enjoy , like soccer , cricket or carnival . venders on both gates each

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Antigua Recreation Ground is the original sporting/recreational in Antigua and Barbuda located in the St. John's City next to the origin on the Old Parham Road on one side and the commencement of the Factory Road on another side, With the Independence Avenue and the Coronation Road on each of the other sides. Once the Only Recreational and general Event Venue in Antigua before the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium. The stadium is still very much in use today and it has been well maintained and up-kept. The home of Football (Soccer) as it is sometimes called was once the home of Cricket (Many world Records and great memories) and other sports and activities. The National Independence Ceremony and The Antigua Carnival were once hosted at this venue, concerts and other mass gatherings took place at this location. It was in this very Stadium that Antigua and Barbuda rose its National Flag for Independence. A tourist attraction to sporting and other aficionados who want to see the Ground on which Brian Lara made the highest score in a test match ever and also where many other sporting and non-sporting memories were made. The ground is a second venue in Antigua or some may say the first Venue and not the former and has been, since it is still very much in operation today. The Antigua Recreation Ground is indeed a point of Interest in Antigua and it is worth a visit especially when there is something of interest to you going on.

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