Antigua Yacht Club Marina & Resort i Saint Paul

Åben kort
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Falmouth Harbour, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-562-3030
Latitude: 17.011566, Longitude: -61.770279
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Kommentar 5

  • charmaine songui

    charmaine songui


    I went in may 2018. Its a very beautiful place to stay in. Staff were friendly and helpful. The local beach is very clean. There was only two restaurants and they were closed for the end of season, so you would have to take water and food if you stay for the day. It's our first time visiting Antigua with family and friends we had a fabulous time. I would love to visit again.. Thank you Antigua yacht club..

  • Jeff Callaway

    Jeff Callaway


    Great location right by the yacht club. Free coffee and tea in the morning, very friendly staff, but paper thin room walls. Can be very noisy neighbours. With ear plugs good value for money

  • Elliott Mason

    Elliott Mason


    I have been staying at the Yacht club, every year for the last 4 years and the view is amazing and the staff is great!

  • Nik Dewey

    Nik Dewey


    Very clean duplex apartment and comfortable bed. Well supplied kitchen and spacious bathroom. Enjoyable stay with friendly staff.

  • Steve & Jessica Ray

    Steve & Jessica Ray


    Cheaply built and very noisy, you can hear other rooms through the walls. Good location, and some rooms look out over harbor. Close to all amenities, but noisy area!!!

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