Bargain Centre Supermarket Ltd i and Barbuda

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Perry Bay, St John's, Antigua, and Barbuda, Antigua und Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-481-4489
Latitude: 17.116568, Longitude: -61.845584
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Kommentar 5

  • Ivan Nanton

    Ivan Nanton


    Excellent prices and decent selection, but store is run down.

  • Anetta Simon

    Anetta Simon


    This supermarket is at a very central location but am finding it impossible to get the goods that were so easily attained prior.

  • Shicare Tyrell

    Shicare Tyrell


    Bargain center has good prices and a wide variety of goods but they have been allowing this supermarket to run down from its norm...

  • Sonja Haynes

    Sonja Haynes


    Good all round supermarket. Easy and ample parking. Most Efficient till staff on Antigua, great on price, shop here if budget is key

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Bargain Centre Supermarket (the main Supermarket with 2 other locations) is situated in the Perry Bay Area of St. John's Antigua in the vicinity of the Public Market Complex, The West Bus Station Terminal, The Multipurpose Center and other businesses and locations. There is The Bargain Centre Supermarket and also many other businesses on the same compound, even under the same roof. There are various ATMs inside the Supermarket and other conveniences, such as a taxi service and money transfer service. The customer service section assists customers with cellphone Top-up and other special transactions. There is also a Wholesale Section and Bakery as part of the establishment. Prepared food and snacks are also available along with other regular supermarket products and services. Recent remodeling, expansion or building and car-park has been well received and the distinctive exterior features maintained and enhanced. The Bargain Centre Supermarket Ltd is a good place to shop with an overall pleasant shopping experience.

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