Caribbean Cinemas - Antigua Megaplex 8 i Saint John

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Friars Hill Road, Saint John, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-562-4000
Latitude: 17.1350219, Longitude: -61.8347505
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Kommentar 5

  • Dalma Phillip

    Dalma Phillip


    The queuing is really slow and the food is really expensive. It's outrageous. The food service is slow also. Poor service and a high cost. The cinema itself is very well put together and the screens are great. About 8 screens so it's a good chance you will get to see what you want most times.

  • Arlan Henry

    Arlan Henry


    8 screening rooms, huge concession stand with multiple staff manning it, ushers in uniform, updated now showing websites, ability to purchase tickets early, they accept cards, security, vast well lit parking lot. -1 star because the most convenient parking spots are huge, deep puddles whenever it rains and the speedbumps are way too sharp.

  • Ivan Nanton

    Ivan Nanton


    Comfortable seats, large screens, good concessions. Theatre was a little warm. Previous visits it has been cold.

  • kevin davis

    kevin davis


    Caribbean cinemas just off friars hill road is the top rated cinema in Antigua where from the variety of snacks to the reclined seating of individuals great place

  • Lewty Straun

    Lewty Straun


    Went to watch Black Panther, it was awesome!! Popcorn was delicious as only movie theater popcorn can be. The service was great, attendants were also very helpful, polite and kind. Had a great time.

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