Coconut Grove Restaurant & Bar i Saint John

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Dickenson Bay, PO BOX W876, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-1538
Latitude: 17.1557479, Longitude: -61.8512678
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Kommentar 5

  • Tiffany G

    Tiffany G


    Prices were fair. Food is ok. The bar tenders are friendly and the drinks are strong. Worth a visit.

  • Valerie MIller

    Valerie MIller


    We are giving it a 3 mainly because of the service. We gave it 2 trys and the service is not good. Tried every trick in the book to get our waitress to smile and I failed. People were not welcoming and friendly at all! With that being said, view was great and food was decent.

  • shameka allen

    shameka allen


    Excellent service, friendly staff ,superb atmosphere and the food is to die for

  • Mic Cassano

    Mic Cassano


    Lively beachfront restaurant with a good mix of locals and visitors. The bar counter is a great spot for a drink, or take it to the beach and recline in front of the sunset; otherwise, the beachfront tables offer a good romantic dinner spot. They even had a fun charity barbecue one Sunday. Sadly it can get really busy around lunch with cruise groups. Try the mouthwatering coconut shrimp!

  • Carol Maloney

    Carol Maloney


    The jerk chicken sandwich was excellent but the service was less than mediocre. It took 50 minutes for our food to come and we ended up asking for menus then ordering at the bar. I'm not sure if things were slow because of a staff change over but that's not the point. Long wait for cocktails which were very good. 4 shrimp for 40$EC, gravely overpriced. Will return for cocktails only.

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