Courts Furniture Store i Saint John's

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Factory Road, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1-268
Latitude: 17.1159782, Longitude: -61.8434237
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Kommentar 3

  • Davis Johnson

    Davis Johnson


  • Frank Samuel

    Frank Samuel


  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    Courts Furniture Store is located on the Sir Vivian Richards Street and All Saints Road in St. John's, Antigua across from Pipers Pharmacy and The Industrial Workshop for the Blind on either sides. The Furniture store has been in Antigua and Barbuda and indeed the Caribbean for quite some time and has established itself as a well known furniture, electronic and household items retailer. I often say that they are not a philanthropic organization and that knowledge to me makes doing business with them easier. The customer service is quite good and the staff always seem friendly and helpful. The delivery, instillation and warranty service are all excellent as well, I was called to see if I was happy with my purchases and instillations. I have had pleasant experiences with the Courts Furniture Store and wish them well in the future.

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Sir Vivian Richards Street, Saint John's
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