Dr. SenGupta and Associates i Saint John's

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Friars Hill Road, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-9312
Latitude: 17.1305301, Longitude: -61.8353435
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Kommentar 3

  • Smile Futuremommd

    Smile Futuremommd


    It was scary and emotional this morning when my 8 year son fell, broke and chipped his tooth. Because it was urgent. We found a really nice dentist surgeon: Dr. Kamal Moursy. He did everything from xrays and repaired my sons' teeth. Very nice doctor. He gave us his cell for WhatsApp incase we need to contact him sooner. He made my son and us feel very comfortable. Great bedside manners, polite and informative. We have to follow us with him. Being from the States and being a foreigner here, it was scary. It was nice to find a doctor who helped us through it. I highly recommend Dr. Moursy.

  • Asbert L. Baptiste

    Asbert L. Baptiste


    Always heard persons saying they never liked visiting the dentist, but I cannot relate, in anyway. From my first extraction to fillings, braces and some more cosmetic work, my experience here has been a breeze.. a walk in the park. I dealt with Dr. Moursy and he was very gentle, very kind and has quite a sense of humour. Would definitely recommend.

  • Thomas Ashton

    Thomas Ashton


    Yesterday I wrote a long review on their Facebook page complaining about my failed implants- The site was quickly taken down! Obviously only favourable reviews are welcome- Picture 1 was taken prior to returning on an over night flight back to the UK . Gum had to be stitched up 8 days later....No offer of refunds to date!

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