Family Dentistry Dr. Maxwell H Francis OM, DDS, FICOI i Saint John's

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Cnr. Cross and Newgate Streets, St John's, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-0058
Latitude: 17.123078, Longitude: -61.841137
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Kommentar 2

  • nordy vater

    nordy vater


    Dr Francis and his entire staff were exceptionally professional and made we feel welcomed as soon as I walked in the door. The compassionate and thorough care I received allowed me to enjoy my vacation on Antigua. I would not hesitate recommending Dr. Francis to anyone looking for dental care while on Antigua.

  • Bill Caesar

    Bill Caesar


    My wife I have been extremely lucky to have been referred to Dr. Maxwell Francis facility for the past eight years. Dr. Francis, has exponentially exceeded our expectations in providing us with excellent dental care and promoting good dental health. After any dental procedure, he always calls us back for follow-up progress and addresses all of our questions, which we have never experienced before.

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