Fort Barrington i Saint John

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St John, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1-268
Latitude: 17.1295971, Longitude: -61.8862679
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Kommentar 5

  • Martha Brown

    Martha Brown


    Nice views if you can face the scrambly climb up the hill to the fort itself. Otherwise not much to see of the Fort itself.

  • Alessandra Manconi

    Alessandra Manconi


    The view from the fort is incredible and breath taking you can judge by my own pictures. I am not a very good photographer but the landscape does it all by itself. The colours are amazing you can see a big portion of the island from up here. The water is very clear. I suggest to use Google maps as it is not very easy to get there. The road is ok is not too destroyed but you get to a point where there is a bridge you have to park the car there and then follow the path by foot.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    Fort Barrington is situated on the top of the hill overlooking Royal Antiguan Hotel and Deep Bay actually a full 360 degree breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding areas including the St. John's Harbour and Fort James on one side and Galley Bay and Sandy Island on the other. The view from the fort is spectacular and scenic and definitely a good vantage point for its original purpose. The Hike up to the Fort on the hill after parking and crossing the pedestrian bridge over the Deep Bay Lagoon's entrance point is quite scenic and not so challenging at all. Most of the structures are in reasonable shape and the original steps and pathways still serve the same purpose as they did years before. The fort is situated on the summit of a sloping hill which slopes down to the coastline close to a nearby island separated by a shallow roughish body of water. Fort Barrington is also a favored point of interest for visitors arriving by sea or land at the nearby Deep Bay Beach and this forms part of the excursion for members of the various groups. The fort is a great scenic way to enjoy the natural beauty of the western regions of the Island. I fully enjoyed my visits there and the breathtaking panoramic and picturesque land and seascape. A definite must for visitors and locals alike, the Deep Bay Beach and Fort Barrington makes a winning combination and the experience is an integral part of a day well spent.

  • Scott Giles

    Scott Giles


    It's a steep climb to get to the top. Not for the faint of heart, but at the top, simply stunning views. It's a must if you're in the area. It's not your typical tourist destination.

  • Cyr Hughes

    Cyr Hughes


    Truly a spooky spot, even at high noon. Felt like the brits left yesterday. Beautiful, wind blowing is all you hear.

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