Fort James i Saint John

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Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1-268
Latitude: 17.1302507, Longitude: -61.8636274
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Edwards

    Michael Edwards


    Great view and peaceful setting

  • Cycling Tours Antigua

    Cycling Tours Antigua


    Great place to visit with some fantastic routes

  • Christopher Batarlis

    Christopher Batarlis


    Take a local taxi tour... Don't buy through a cruise... Help out the locals, they're friendly and they're reasonable and they can use your business!!!

  • Jon Constantine

    Jon Constantine


    Unfortunately, the government nor anyone else are doing anything to maintain this important historical site. Worth a one hour visit to see the beautiful British canons still facing out to sea where they were originally sited to protect the harbour of St. John.

  • Mauricio Molina

    Mauricio Molina


    This place was shown in brochures and looked very interesting and maybe because it was low season during our visit, the place was in shambles with over grown grass all over the observation points and cannons, and we guessed because it's isolation, is used at night for "love" and night activities because some areas were littered with condom wrappers... it is a shame because is a beautiful place

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