Heritage Hotel i Saint John's

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Heritage Quay, St John's, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-1247
Latitude: 17.1206166, Longitude: -61.845196
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Kommentar 5

  • Sherridon Joseph

    Sherridon Joseph


    Very nice environment and staff.

  • David Brown

    David Brown


    Not my favorite hotel ... the rooms were dated and for the price paid there were much better options on the island ... The elevator was also a scary experience.

  • Kelvin Daniel

    Kelvin Daniel


    Visited for 3 days. Staff were friendly and courteous. Rooms were cleaned well. Food was of a decent quality. Would recommend for a short stay as traffic in area can become problematic as it's in the heart of the city.

  • Brandon Thompson

    Brandon Thompson


    This was one of he worst hotels I've ever been to. The elevator was slow, horrible WiFi connection, mold in the room, horrible bathrooms, toilet was leaking, and they even had a power outage. A lady at the front desk said to us "if we wanted a good hotel we should have book for a resort." Lastly, they even hsd terrible T.V. signal. The only good thing about the hotel was the view.

  • Nish Brown

    Nish Brown


    Really good stay. The two best things about this place are the friendly staff and the great location. The rooms are nice and big, with a decent balcony view. The restaurant opens from 7am-9pm daily and serves complementary breakfast every morning. The food tastes great. The only downfall of this place is the mediocre WiFi.

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