Inn La Galleria i Saint John's

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Five Islands, St John's, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-460-6060
Latitude: 17.120733, Longitude: -61.87952
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Kommentar 5

  • Brandon Francis

    Brandon Francis


    Quiet, private, and the right distance away from the confusion of town. Also just a 5 minute drive (or a 15 minute jog) away from the beach. After two separate visits, I am definitely sold on this place.

  • Michael Lawrence

    Michael Lawrence


    If you are on a tight budget and staying over night this is not an option. The taxi fare to get there would add up to a more decent place.

  • Chad Thompson

    Chad Thompson


    Excessive mosquitoes, Internet services could be better....but best view, great ambience and good has potential

  • Josephine Wilkins

    Josephine Wilkins


    The place is stink and smells like cat skin. It is not a good place to stay. The entrance is filthy. No internet services.

  • J Bryan

    J Bryan


    My friend and I had reservation for two days . We got there and to my amazement the place was trash. We drove up the building was falling apart. The entrance to the building was an embarrassment. The stich front the inside is unbearable. The place was unkempt. The place was very dirty with bird nest lodge in the roof. I was only there lest than an hour almost was eating by mosquitoes. I cancel my reservation and I lost the money for one night. I just wanted to get the hell out no way

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