Megaliths i Saint Mary

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Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1-268
Latitude: 17.0740206, Longitude: -61.8523863
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Kommentar 3

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The hike was well worth the spectacular scenic views. Green castle Hill is one of the more famous hills in Antigua, since it hosts the even more renown Megaliths. My lack of local knowledge in the form of a tour guide or having any familiarity with the area caused me not to take the "Beaten Path". During my accent to the summit I had a chance to reflect on life, I knew I will never take that same path again. The views of neighboring Jennings and Jolly Harbor were quite astounding. The landscape photos obtained tells some of the story. The Megaliths themselves were quite an experience to behold in person. I felt myself striking that off a bucket list that I did not know I had. It turned out to be a somewhat "Religious Experience" for me in many ways. I would recommend not visiting during the sweltering midday sunshine.

  • Andrew Nurse

    Andrew Nurse


    The History and view from this sight is truely amazing

  • Scott Fratcher

    Scott Fratcher


    This set of Megaliths is spectacular. Probably the best in the Caribbean. It took three attempts to find them. Nobody seemed to know where they are even though they are on the map. They are inside the Greencastle Hill National Park, but you have to walk through the rock separation area of the Limestone Quary. Its funny, like the road was there, and they just came in and put the rock separation area right over the top of the road. Or, Look on Google Maps for the Limestone Quarry. Drive past the Limestone Quarry that will pass on your left, then make the next left up a dirt road. Take the road to the fork (2 min) and take the right hand fork. We had to park at this fork, and begin to walk up the right hand fork, passed a chain over the road, to a metal gate across the road that has no sign and we simply walked around the gate and stayed on the road, right through the quarry where they separate up the rocks from the stones, and up the hill, still on the road, huffing and puffing to make the walk up the steep road till you see the megaliths on the right. That is the Alter. Really in good condition. You can see it has kind of slumped sideways a little, but the Alter is clear as day and really in good condition. From the Alter there is a big Stonehenge circle on the top of the next hill. From the Stonehenge look toward the quarry and see the big Stella. That is a carved stone about 10ft tall. There are very common in Central America and this is the only example I have seen in the Caribbean. Outstanding example. I wish they would come and put a cover of the top so the remaining carving would be preserved. On the way out the quarry had opened and one guy was working on the Saturday we were there, and both gates were open. I am not sure if you could drive through the quary, but if you could you would need a good 4x4 to make it up the hill past the quary. Alternatively the site can be reached by driving along the Valley Rd and taking a dirt side road into the fertile growing fields. Look for an area called Ebenezer on Google Maps. If you reach the mini quary site, near the damn and pumping station you have gone too far. You can't see the site from the Ebenezer direction till you are right into the area. There is no shade or services so choosing a good overcast day would be a help. We started early in the morning. There was no trash in the area and very few thorns. It looked like someone had burned the grass a few months back so it was pretty easy to walk.

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