Ocean Point Resort & Spa i Saint John's

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Hodges Bay Main Rd, Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-562-8330
Hjemmeside: www.oceanpointantigua.com
Latitude: 17.169238, Longitude: -61.810826
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Kommentar 5

  • Frank Weytjens

    Frank Weytjens


    It's an all in hotel. Drinks are for free except water you have to pay for. That's a sick idea, but who cares? You have your own private beach here. The ocean is only a few meters away. There is a clean big swimming pool, free WiFi, the food is good and healthy. This is not high quality hotel, rooms are modest. But the view makes up for that. Really splendid!

  • Christopher Nunez

    Christopher Nunez


    Service is what you'd expect in a higher end hotel resort. Acomidations are great for the price. Make sure you get all inclusive.

  • Chanel Arias

    Chanel Arias


    This hotel is completely geared towards older italians (I guess we should've known being that it's Italian owned). Do not come here if other wise. Do not do the all inclusive! The food is horrible, but if you're a drinker you'd definitely get more bang for your buck (great bar staff). Great pool and nice beach. If you are looking for fun and excitement.. do not come here.

  • Sasha Chupanovskaya

    Sasha Chupanovskaya


    We really enjoyed our vacation at ocean point resort in mid February. This is a quiet and relaxing adults only place that was perfect for a long weekend getaway. The place is owned by Italians and is popular among Italian tourists. There is an Italian restaurant on premises, a bar, two lovely beaches, a place to play volleyball, a big swimming pool and lots of places to relax in a quiet environment. Make sure to bring plenty of cash with you when you go to Antigua. You will need it in case you want to leave the resort. Taxi drivers charge about $15 US dollars for a ride to the nearest ATM/supermarket and about $30-40 for a ride to another side of the island.

  • Janet Botwright

    Janet Botwright


    Quiet adult only resort. Best for relaxing. Good beach but no water sports or activities. Located in a beautiful bay but a bit isolated from most of the island attractions. Taxis freely available

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