Roman Catholic Holy Family Car Park i Saint John's

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Church Street, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1-268
Latitude: 17.1221969, Longitude: -61.840142
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Kommentar 1

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Roman Catholic Holy Family Car Park is the former parking lot for The St. Joseph & St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church on Independence Drive in St. John's City. The Car-Park itself is fenced and secure and provides a welcome service to the City Motorists and helps to alleviate the parking congestion as in most cities. The former use of the property is of more interest than its present use. The Architecture splendor and appeal of the former St. Joseph & St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church is still present even in the disused edifice. The building has served the Catholic Community well for over 60 years as an active place of worship and now it is still of service albeit in a different capacity.

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