Rubis - Percival Service Station i Saint John's

Åben kort
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Fort Road, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-1464
Latitude: 17.1319775, Longitude: -61.8447608
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Kommentar 5

  • Faun Thompson

    Faun Thompson


    Very busy service station. Helpful and patient staff.

  • Janelle Bruney

    Janelle Bruney


  • sansousi Smith

    sansousi Smith


    Sells used tires,car wash,tyre repairs ,money transfer and excellent gasoline and diesel service station

  • Dalma Phillip

    Dalma Phillip


  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    Rubis - Percival Service Station is a Gas Station, Mini Mart, Tyre Repair Shop and more; a true service station. Located on Fort/Anchorage Road opposite KFC Fort Road and in the vicinity of the Village of Villa just at the outskirts of St. John's City. The recently renovated, re-branded (formerly Texaco) and expanded facility is well kept and maintained. In my mind it is more convenient than the 24 hour gas stations since it opens until 11:00 pm or so, providing "Petrol Dispensing Assistance" up until closing, however at the 24 hour gas stations you pump your own fuel from 10:00 pm or so, a matter of personal preference for me. The customer service is quite friendly and efficient and the attendants were willing to assist with the parking at the pump. The full vehicle service experience is quite welcomed and many a Tyre and petrol issues were addressed at Rubis - Percival Service Station to great satisfaction.

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