Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa i Saint John's

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Saint John's Street, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-484-0100
Latitude: 17.157922, Longitude: -61.84774
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Kommentar 5

  • Lindsay D

    Lindsay D


    My husband and I had such an incredible time at this resort. It is beautiful, rooms are large and clean. The resort itself is well cared for and beautifully maintained. Food was fantastic and there are plenty of restaurants to choose from. The beach and the pools are wonderful. I was never bored! We can't wait to go back... One day. The only con is that now my husband and I only want to go to Sandals resorts!

  • Erika Winn

    Erika Winn


    Room service and housekeeping was awesome. All of our waitresses had nasty attitudes and was NOT shy about displaying them. The security guards on the beach refuse to ask any questions but had NO problem with displaying their ignorance, nasty attitudes and profiling as we it three times. Our tour guide was lazy (Safari). He wasn't hands on as far as staying with us once we got out of the SUV to explore the history of Antigua. To my understanding the resort has a new manager Matthew. Well, Matthew you have a lot of work to do at Sandals and I wish you the best!! We will never vacation in Antigua again. Barbados was so much better in all categories.

  • Gary Milbourn

    Gary Milbourn


    2nd visit here and loved it. Extremely clean and well maintained, friendly staff, great beach, pool and general facilities. Good range of free water Sports. Good food in most of the restaurants. Never found it overcrowded or too busy to get anywhere or get anything. Would reccommend.

  • Bryan Szeglin

    Bryan Szeglin


    Best vacation I have ever had! If you have any hesitations, just do it. You won't regret it. Food is consistently good, not too crowded at all, lots of options for sun or shade, amazing water for swimming or included water sports, attentive staff. Will be back soon.

  • Emmi K

    Emmi K


    We are loving our honeymoon here at Sandals Antigua! It is the perfect romantic vacation spot! The food is delicious, the staff is so warm and friendly. It's a large property but easy to walk around. It feels so private and special. My only hiccup would be that you have to wake up at 6am if you want to get an umbrella on the beach, otherwise the butlers reserve them all for guests ( that sometimes don't even show up). But other than that, one of the best hotels I've ever stayed at!

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