Sir Vivian Richards Stadium i Saint George

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Factory Road, Antigua and Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-562-9224
Latitude: 17.1031401, Longitude: -61.7849314
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Kommentar 5

  • Lee Griffin

    Lee Griffin


    Modern facility by Caribbean standards but it lost all the charm from the old Recreation Grounds.

  • Lindel Smith

    Lindel Smith


    A fairy new structure. Looks like a great place to watch cricket.

  • Stacy West

    Stacy West


    Was an awesome experience.... watching T 20 play off between PICB @ ASP

  • leslie scotland

    leslie scotland


    The home of Cricket in Antigua. Named after one of the greatness batsmen that ever lived and also the first living national hero of Antigua and Barbuda. He also has the accolade of never losing a Test series as a captain.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Sir Viv Stadium is to me a surprising tourist attraction as is the Antigua Recreation Grounds. a purpose built cricketing stadium however it has been used for a several other activities and events. I will leave the Cricketing aspect (although I am a fan much have been already said) and focus on some of the many non-cricketing uses. International Concerts and football (soccer) games, National Independence Celebrations, Carnival and Events and Festivals of various types held in the Presidential Suite are some of the many uses of the Stadium with ample surrounding grounds and facilities. The facilities have been well kept and maintained by the full time and other staff and contractors so features and improvements are done from time to time such as adding a lifelike stature of Sir Vivian Richards and changing the seats in the stands to reflect the colours and design of the national flag. Many conferences have been held there a notable one involved transforming the surrounding grounds into a tent village. The stadium is visible from many vantage points in Antigua, some at great distances away and the stadium has a spectacular panoramic view of the surrounding area. The road network and also parking facilities are some of the benefits of having an out-of-town Stadium. One of the many surrounding road ways have been converted to a car race track and cordoned off. The stadium has transformed that and many other areas of Antigua causing many road ways to be now connected and improved, facilitating greater ground travelling options. The experience of the stadium have been enjoyed by the local and international public for 10 years and counting.

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