Thrifty Car Rental i Piggotts

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Sir George Walter Highway, Piggotts, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-9532
Latitude: 17.1195669, Longitude: -61.8165922
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Kommentar 5

  • Frank Samuel

    Frank Samuel


  • Frank Pahlke

    Frank Pahlke


    Picked up Car at Airport Location. NO issues at all. We rented a little Suzuki Jimny, best value we could find, perfect for the island, we even used 4 wheel drive a few times. Car was in good shape at 24k on the odometer. It had some scratches and the attendant made note of them and we had no issues at all. Returning the vehicle took about 5 min. A quick walk around and we were off to the terminal. Airport Location is about a 3 min Walk from the Entrance doors of the Terminal. I would rent from them again on Antigua.

  • Mighton



    The cars are completely unroadworthy and dangerous

  • Rochelle Mercer

    Rochelle Mercer


    The customer service is poor. They only have old cars which are hazardous not only to the driver and the passengers, but are a risk to the public as a whole. The parts of the cars sound like they are going to fall apart if you bank a corner too hard and they have overall mechanical issues. And then they'll look you in the face with an "I don't care" attitude while taking your money. DON'T DO IT!!!!!!! Let's just say, I would prefer to give them 0 stars!

  • Rob J

    Rob J


    Old cars. Don't waste your time

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