Touloulou Bar and Restaurant i Saint John

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Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-562-8778
Latitude: 17.1450553, Longitude: -61.8396592
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Kommentar 5

  • Arian Joseph

    Arian Joseph


    The food was excellent... the atmosphere is calm and soothing.

  • Carl Diblasio

    Carl Diblasio


    Food quality is ok, the service is terrible. I went here three times trying to give this place a chance. Every time the same thing happens. You order your food and will easily wait over an hour for your food to come. When it does come it probably be missing items which will take another hour to get. Severely understaffed and not prepared to handle multiple customers.

  • Alicia Alleyne

    Alicia Alleyne


    The ambiance was the bomb! With a bit of training the service would be top notch.

  • Dallas Newland

    Dallas Newland


    Some of the prices are a little expensive but overall, the ambiance is nice, the dj is great and the hookah is nice.

  • Deon Grannum

    Deon Grannum


    Sushi nights on Tuesday is amazing. Excellent selection and the staff are always friendly. The prices are reasonable.

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