Townhouse Megastore i Saint John

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All Saints Road, Saint John, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-481-3200
Latitude: 17.1071959, Longitude: -61.8335169
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Kommentar 5

  • W.Lionel Walker

    W.Lionel Walker


    The guys in the technical department were very helpful while shopping for a power adapter.

  • Sonja Haynes

    Sonja Haynes


    Have pretty much everything you need, nicely operated family store, a great go to for most things you would need for your household

  • Richardson George

    Richardson George


    Not much to say... A branch of all genre of companies... Its convenient

  • Ranjan SenGupta

    Ranjan SenGupta


    This is the place to go, if you've just arrived in Antigua for a longer stay, as a student or otherwise. They have pretty much everything you might need, initially, from sticky velcro strips to water coolers to hammers to porch chairs to BBQ sets to... go and have a look. The prices are normal for Antigua and you will find out, after being on the island a little longer that, just like anywhere else, sometimes they charge more sometimes less for similar products that you will find else where. Either way, their prices are consistent, through out the year. I didn't buy furniture from them, mainly because I didn't like what they stocked. That is not really their fault as such. They stock what is wanted by the local population, I have a more European taste in home furnishings although I did like some of their dinning tables and chairs, they were too big for my place and a little beyond my budget. I usually go there once or twice a month, just to see what they have brought in new. They do bring in some different products, every few weeks. The sales staff don't go out of their way to bother you every couple of minutes which, as a European I appreciate, but they are always willing to help if you ask them. The counter staff, is very knowledgable, they should be since they own the place, but also very friendly and helpful, and will provide directions to shops that sell something they don't have or are if they are out of stock.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    Mega is better as they say. The mega in the name not only refer to the size but also to the wide range of items sold. Large consumer electronic items. House hold items. Kitchen and living room furniture are on sale here. Cosmetic and toiletries along with small kitchen tools and implements. I know that departmental stores exist however the Mega store attempts an even wider variety. The central focus of a shopping mall with restaurants, speciality stores and ATM situated on the outskirts of the city. The avail able parking and paved grounds takes some of the stress out if city shopping The Townhouse Mega Store has very helpful and friendly staff. Making the sale seems important to the sale clerks so it helps to know what you want beforehand. Repair, delivery and installations are provided to the customer. One gets the feeling that the items available for sale were thoughtful and knowledgeably procured.

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