Village Walk Shopping Centre i Saint John's

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Friars Hill Road, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-562-8075
Latitude: 17.1315349, Longitude: -61.835652
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Kommentar 5

  • Faun Thompson

    Faun Thompson


    Extremely busy strip mall complex, clean, modern looking but cramped parking spaces

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Village Walk Shopping Centre is located just on the outskiers of St. John's City in Antigua in close proximity to the similarly themed woods mall and also the Epicurean Fine Foods. It is basically an out door or strip mall so to speak and the stores share a covered walkway and the onsite paved parking space is shared between the many shops, Banks, Restaurants, Hardware Store, Office Supply Store and Offices/Agencies. The recently constructed Purpose Built Shopping Centre is well kept and maintained with a pristine ambiance and a businesslike atmosphere. The Generously sized establishments are quite convenient and makes purchasing desired item(s) a breeze. Additional parking is at the back of Harper's Office Depot (by far the largest store in the mall) and the well laid-out complex is reasonably easy to navigate. All in all, The Village Walk Shopping Centre is Great place place to visit and to conduct business.

  • Alien Perez Santos

    Alien Perez Santos


    Nice place to take a break and enjoy a good breakfast, pizza, and do some shopping... Careful some prices are crazy

  • kevin simon

    kevin simon


    Very clean and has high standards. All the shops I've been into offer great service. Lots of parking. There are places to eat , a bank and good shopping. Nicely done area.

  • Asbert L. Baptiste

    Asbert L. Baptiste


    Very convenient shopping center, more geared towards homes and businesses. Nice spot. To grab breakfast/lunch also. Only downside is parking can sometimes be a hassle when the bank has high traffic.

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