Gentle Dental i Saint John's

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High Street, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-2000
Latitude: 17.1213928, Longitude: -61.8424318
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Kommentar 1

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Gentle Dental is located on High Street in the Heart of St. John's Opposite Fed Ex and next door to the ACB Financial Complex. The Dental office is situated in a somewhat historic building but that is where the throwback to bygone eras stops. The interior and Dental equipment and practices are quite modern. Simple touches such as a digital photo frame and comfortable well appointed waiting area tells you that you are in a modern dental establishment. The service is first class well worthy of the "Gentle" in the name. They sometimes apologize for your flinching because of a real or imagined discomfort. The staff including the dentists advised you of your best options and in a somewhat anecdotal fashion told a gentleman that the gold tooth that he wants to put in may have ill-effects on his teeth in the long run. The friendly and professional treatment given to the customers and clients is quite exemplary and make it less fearsome than pulling teeth (pun intended). All in all the experience had at this dentist made you want to find an excuse to return and they tend to present themselves more often than i would hope (sweet tooth is definitely a thing).

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