Shoul's Toys, Gifts & Housewares i Saint John's

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Newgate Street, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-4357
Latitude: 17.1233395, Longitude: -61.8434353
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Kommentar 5

  • Rhosheba Francis

    Rhosheba Francis


    Great for shopping for school supplies n household items especially it ur budgetting

  • chrisla jack

    chrisla jack


    I have been shopping here for over 10years and I have no problems. Customer service is great and if there's something I can't find I just ask the girls.

  • Cocoa King

    Cocoa King


    Great place to do one stop shopping, for gifts and house hold items

  • steve ray

    steve ray


    Much better than expected, and MUCH better than 2 years ago! The BEST and most FRIENDLY and HELPFUL sales ladies in the whole of Antigua! Almost ruined by the cashier, who wouldn't stop talking to the other one long enough to acknowledge us... but the selection and service we received trumped even their rudeness!

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Shoul's Toys, Gifts & Housewares Store is located on the Newgate Street in St. John's City, Antigua and at the top of Market street, across from the St. John's Police Station and Down the hill from the St. John's Cathedral. This store is a super store as opposed to a supermarket and mainly non-edible household items are sold for every room in the house. The wide range of quality selections spoils the consumer for choices at times, even shoppers from other islands and beyond make it a point to stock up on certain items from Shoul's when in Antigua. The Annual sale in October/November is eagerly awaited and the store can be super-busy then, for back-to-school shopping and at Christmas time. The Shoul's Toys, Gifts & Housewares store in its second iteration has been expanded and renovated/modernized to meet the ever increasing customer demand. I really enjoy shopping at this store and feel as though I am getting a good price for my selections, which sometimes lead me to make other selections that are not immediately needed. The Shoul's Toys, Gifts & Housewares Store is inextricably linked with Antigua's recent history in many ways through its Founder and family members. A great place to visit and to shop for all occasions.

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