Antigua Commercial Bank i Saint John's

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Thames Street, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-481-4200
Latitude: 17.1212928, Longitude: -61.844898
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Kommentar 4

  • David N Christian

    David N Christian


    This is one of my favourite banks

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Antigua Commercial Bank is located/situated on the corner of Thames and St. Mary's Streets in St. John's City, Antigua opposite the Heritage Quay on Thames Street and opposite Jardine's Court and the City Store on St. Mary's Street. One of Antigua's Indigenous Banks that has been serving the Island with distinction for more than 50 years. The ACB has several branches and subsidiary however this is the original location of the bank which has seen many upgrades and expansions over the years. The present modern building with some internal vestiges of previous incarnations and a new exterior (some may call it a face-lift) sits prominently and magnificently in close proximity of that now buzzing area of the city making it easier for the cruise passengers to walk of the ship and just across the Thames street to access ATMs and for other transactions. The other members of the public can access modern banking facilities in the comfort of the newly renovated and revamped facility. The customer service is quite good and efficient however due to the popularity of the bank's services some waiting is unavoidable. Confidence and financial security are important to banks worldwide and the ACB seams to score rather highly in both regards. I have had many pleasant interactions with the Antigua Commercial Bank and find that there is a great place to conduct banking transactions at.

  • Gwendolyn Wijnaldum - Frank

    Gwendolyn Wijnaldum - Frank


  • Jay Kay

    Jay Kay


    Most ATMs will only accept 4 numbers for pin. This place accepted 5 and I was able to withdraw. Wish I took money back with me from here. Cool currency

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