Bank of Nova Scotia i Saint John's

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High Street, Saint John's, AG Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-480-1500
Latitude: 17.121491, Longitude: -61.8439838
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Kommentar 5

  • Eternal River

    Eternal River


    Scotia bank everywhere! One of the best banks in the Caribbean. They were so kind enough to transfer pur account from the previous island to Antigua. We had to fly to place all of a sudden with no prior notice so had no time to close our account there. With no hope of our money being refunded we just wanted to try asking them whether it's possible and they gave alternate solutions that was fine 👍

  • demararagal



    God prepare yourself to wait!!! Stand for 1 hour in line then stand for 1 hour more at the counter whilst being served!!!! 😰😰😰grueling.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    The Bank of Nova Scotia is located on High and Markets streets in the St. John's, the Capital of Antigua and Barbuda. Approximately in the center of town opposite the traffic light and adjacent to two other International banks. The recently renovated and constantly updated bank is a favorite of many including yours truly. Allways keeping up with the season with seasonal and cultural displays, I am still trying to wrap my head around how they got those vehicles to be parked and on display inside the building. The customer service is quite good: (One tip to credit card holders, Please notify the Bank when making unusual travels.."for your own protection" the card may be temporarily deactivated until they are able to verify that it is actually you using the card). i do not know or even care how they know me by name on sight but I like it, keep it up.Having a Account(s) at an International Financial institution is a definite plus. The friendly and professional staff makes conducting business a breeze. I am constantly told by the CSR (Tellers) that going to the ATM is cheaper for me and that the daily withdrawal limit is $4,000.00. Travelling is better with the debit card and I know that I can get local currency from many ATMs worldwide., No this is not an infomercial..sometimes when I want to feel like a local when traveling I find a Bank of Nova Scotia and use the ATM.

  • Dayne Samuel

    Dayne Samuel


    The best bank in the island when it comes to customer service in per person but they need to answer the phones.

  • Bryan Jordan

    Bryan Jordan


    Long lines for customer service and ATMs.

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