Wind Chimes Inn Antigua i Saint John's

Åben kort
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Sir George Walter Highway, St John's, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-728-2917
Latitude: 17.1312026, Longitude: -61.8046832
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Kommentar 5

  • jue hallam

    jue hallam


    Great place for short time staying

  • Dre Dime

    Dre Dime


    Great service

  • Mortimer Mcintosh

    Mortimer Mcintosh


    Very comfortable,clean, and with a class of elegance, while staying their the workers treat you with the appreciation and respect. Will definitely recommended Wind Chimes Inn Antigua to any one.

  • Marvin Forde

    Marvin Forde


    Nice modern facility with the necessary amenities. Came here after hurricane Irma had passed and with the electricity going off periodically it was nice that they also have a back up generator so a level of comfort could still be maintained.

  • Hemwant Persaud

    Hemwant Persaud


    Without doubt one of the most comfortable hotel I stayed during my travels to several countries. Upon arrival we were warmly welcomed by the owner Colin. The staff was extremely friendly and always helpful. I had great evenings at Wind Chimes with the owner who went out of his way to ensure our comfort and experience was second to none. Great view of the V. Bird airport (see photos) from the balcony, enjoying the cool breeze and a beer.

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