Antigua Village Beach Resort i Saint John

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Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-462-2930
Latitude: 17.1559068, Longitude: -61.8496907
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Kommentar 5

  • William Benner

    William Benner


    Wow! Third consecutive Sandals (La Toc, Ocho Rios). Gorgeous grounds and best of the three. Pool bar staff was fun. Management was outstanding and genuinely wanted everyone to be happy. Heading back here for sure.

  • Edwin Milan

    Edwin Milan


    It's literally 30 feet from the beach. So beautiful and relaxing. Beach front dinner listening to the water just puts nature back into perspective. A moment to reflect on the awesomeness of God's creation planet earth. We take so much for granted. Being from NEW YORK CITY I'm always in "the fast lane" . Here I have the opportunity to be laid back, "slow down" and appreciate how sweet life is.

  • Dwaine Looby

    Dwaine Looby


    Antigua Village is a Hotel/Resort/Condominium property located in the Dickenson Bay Area of Antigua in Close Proximity to Sandals Resort and Spa, Ana's On the Beach and Buccaneer Cove and Many others on the famous Dickenson Bay Beach. The Property is well kept and caters for a wide range of vacationers and has the amenities to match. Withing close walking distance (some might say just a stone's throw away from) the Picturesque and Tranquil Mckinnons Pond (really a lagoon, wetland, backwater and birdwatchers paradise among others). Antigua Village is a fun vacation spot for the whole family and the location has a lot to offer with many activities for night and day within close proximity and other places within Antigua and Barbuda. Be it your vacation headquarters (so to speak) or your vacation location you will be ensured of having a quite rewarding and enjoyable stay. Please feel free to explore the neighborhood or indeed the whole Island to maximize the benefits of your experience.

  • henry guiracocha

    henry guiracocha


    Lovely place to stay. Friendly people & it feels like paradise. :) Must recommend staying here.

  • Ahmed Iqbal

    Ahmed Iqbal


    On of the best vacations I've ever been on. The hotel was clean, on the beach and had friendly staff. Definitely will be back!

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