Buccaneer Beach Club i Saint John's

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Dickenson Bay, St John's, Antigua and Barbuda
Kontakter telefon: +1 268-562-6785
Hjemmeside: www.buccaneerbeach.com
Latitude: 17.1550823, Longitude: -61.850897
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Kommentar 5

  • Hazel Alleyne

    Hazel Alleyne


    Nice, quiet and refreshing environment. Lovely beach.

  • Edwin Milan

    Edwin Milan


    Very peaceful and relaxing environment everyone very friendly an Oasis away from home

  • Kay Patriot

    Kay Patriot


    LOCATION. LOCATION. LOCATION. You are steps away from a beautiful beach. The rooms are simple and this is not a resort atmosphere. There’s restaurants walking distance but you need a taxi or rental to get around the island. The locals are very kind. The staff on the property are very nice and knowledgeable about the island. The WiFi isn’t great but who cares. The pool is nice and the beach is gorgeous.

  • BxGirl Blazin'

    BxGirl Blazin'


    This place is wonderful. The rooms are clean and the beds are comfortable. Natalie and Laura are friendly and work so hard to clean the rooms every day. Each villa has a kitchenette and two televisions. There are air conditioners in the sitting rooms and bedrooms that are modern, clean, and accessabile by a remote control. The groundskeepers Oscar, Ernest, and Stanley are great. They are friendly and very helpful with the beach lounge chairs. Dacialois, Jamal, and Tichelle are very knowledgeable about Antigua and what tours and taxis to use. They run the front office well. I’ve been here five times and will be back two more times this year. Most importantly; the beach is steps away and gorgeous.

  • Jim Wilson

    Jim Wilson


    Helpful hosts, great sized bedroom with living area and kitchen. Clean and well taken care of. Has a nice pool and beautiful grounds with flowers, palms trees and song birds. The incredible beach is on the other side of a gate where there is also a decent restaurant called Coconut Grove. Had a great sleep in the air conditioned rooms.

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